Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What a week so far!

Wow, what a week it has been already. There hasn't been anything stressful going on... just a lot of little things getting done. Although you wouldn't be able to tell my the state of my house, I am getting some projects accomplished. Yesterday I went through papers that needed to be destroyed. I had cancelled checks and Mike's check stubs from when Mike and I first got married. Yes, 16 years ago!!! My dear son Andrew got the job of burning all the clutter. I was telling Mike about some of the stuff I got rid of, and Andrew piped in, "Yeah, there were checks older than me!" Why in the world did I keep all that stuff?! Andrew didn't get all the burning done yesterday afternoon... guess 2-3 hours was enough for one day. He is planning to finish it up today before the rain gets here.
My dear sweet hubby is working today, on his day off. He is wanting to get our emergency fund built back up, since we have been totally off our budget. Last week, he had a good week w/ his a/c jobs. This week seems like it is going to be busy also. He had a job yesterday after work and will have a couple jobs today when he clocks out at Colonial. I am so BLESSED. I pray that God will keep my eyes open to see just how much of a blessing Mike is to me. I also pray that I'm the wife he needs and deserves me to be.
JJ came home yesterday morning after staying w/ Grandaddy and Granny for 3 days and nights. Sarah brought him home at 9am, and he crashed on the couch until after 11am. He had a wonderful time being the center of attention. He is such a little ham. I'm sure he kept things interesting at my parents' house.
Yesterday morning, Bekah took herself to the potty. I heard her yell, "I'm done!" I was holding my breath as to what I might find when I got in there. She sometimes takes herself to the potty after she has already started the process in her Pull-up.... leaving a HUGE mess for us to clean up. Not yesterday! She didn't do anything until she got to the potty. YAY!!! Maybe... just maybe, she will be potty trained before Jonathan is born.
Well, I'm going to find something to eat. Jonathan and I are HUNGRY! Have a blessed day. Love ya bunches!

Charity sig2

1 comment:

Julie_3 said...

I can tell that the book is touching your heart as it did mine Charity. Those are the same thoughts I had after my first few readings. I hope you continue to be blessed by it!
You are having a busy week from the sound of things. I have been busy reading all my lesson plans in advance. Glad to hear that Bekah is potty training for you!! Yay!