Saturday, August 17, 2013

Our first week of the homeschool year

I have to say that I am loving the fact that our little Hillians are back home for school again.  I missed them the past two years while they were in public school.  I didn't say the week was easy, but I have enjoyed it.  This is what we are using this year:

Science: Apologia (We are studying astronomy this year.)
History: The Mystery of History Vol 1
Math: Saxon
Phonics: Saxon
Language Arts: A Beka
Spelling: Christian Liberty Press
Handwriting/Penmanship: Christian Liberty Press
Bible: Step into the Bible by Ruth Graham
Character training: Character Building For Families Vol 1

We had a very productive week.  We have to go to the elementary school twice a week for 30 minutes for Bekah and Lukey to take speech.  We enjoy getting to see our friends we have made the past two years while at the school.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.  I took them with my phone so the quality stinks.  You can still see that we had a great week.  Daddy even got to participate in one of our projects this week. :o)



Michelle said...

You know I'm loving them being at home too :) I look forward to the updates. Will you be studying the moon? Haha...

Mom of the Hillians said...

Yes, we will be studying the moon. HA HA!!