Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gonna be a busy one!

How do I let my weekends get so busy?!  Last night, we went out to eat pizza with my parents.  It was a last minute decision, but we had a great time.  Luke had been calling for his Granddaddy for a couple days. 
This afternoon, we are going to Surrency to have supper w/ Mike's extended family on his mom's side.  The youth at the church are having their Christmas party tonight, and I was asked to make 2 batches of fudge.  Andrew & Laura are going with me to Aunt Susie, but I still said I would make the fudge.  I am also making a batch of fudge, a pound cake, and maybe some chicken alfredo to take to Aunt Susie's.  I'm sure I will make a couple of regular food dishes to take as well.  I'm like Mama and Grandma Jean in that I'm scared that there won't be enough food, and that would be embarassing. 
Tomorrow is our Happy Birthday Jesus celebration at church.  Then Grandma Jean's family is having their Christmas lunch.  I will have to get up super early to cook for that meal.  Geeze!  What happened to relaxing holidays?!  I'm thinking that one year we are going to run away for the week surrounding Christmas.  A nice relaxing Christmas in the mountains sounds wonderful to me.  Then another year, we could have Christmas on the beach somewhere warm so the kids can play in the sand. 
Enough of dreaming.  I need to get back to making the 3rd batch of fudge, then decide what I'm making for when.  Love ya bunches! 

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