Monday, April 20, 2009

Update on the "Hillions"

Yes, we are all still breathing. It has been another busy weekend. Friday morning we got up and went to pick strawberries at Old South Produce in Excelsior. The kids and I picked 8 gallons of berries. Needless to say, Laura and I spent that evening working with them. I made a pie that night, but no one touched it. We were all sick of seeing them.
Saturday morning, we got up and went to the church for the season's first soccer games. I was stressing b/c Bekah wouldn't eat breakfast before we left home. She gets carsick very easy, so I was worried we would be changing her clothes when we got to the church. God is so good, and Bekah didn't get sick. Luke slept through Emi's 10am. Andrew and Laura didn't play until noon, so we walked around to watch the other games going on. I couldn't have asked for the little ones to be any better. They didn't try to run off, and they weren't whining. One of Andrew's friends played football with Emi and JJ while I watched the older two play. I can definitely tell that the kids have several years soccer experience now. All of our "kids" from the church are playing well. I was happy that Laura finally decided to play, b/c she has a great time out there. After the games, we ran into town to get a quick lunch before going back to the church for a friend's birthday party. We were all wiped out by the time we got home. When Mike got home from work, he and Andrew went to help Papa plant some of his veggie plants at his house. We visited with Grandma for a few minutes.
Sunday, we didn't go to church. By the time JJ went to bed Saturday night, he could barely talk. Both he and Emily were coughing and stuffy from two days of spending most of the time outside. They both had low grade temps. Gotta love this time of year! By 11am, I was glad I hadn't gone to church. I was SICK! I made breakfast for everyone and went back to bed for about an hour. This morning sickness is about to get me. Last night before I put Luke to bed, I noticed he had cut his first tooth. It was there yesterday morning. This has been such a SLOW process with him.
I had an OB checkup this morning. Everything looks good. The bleed is starting to shrink. Hopefully it will be gone by my next visit. I am almost 11 weeks, so hopefully the yucks will be gone soon. I hope to be able to find out the sex of the baby next month. My gut feeling is a girl.

1 comment:

mhsands said...

Oh my... FYI: Jen is having a boy! I want to c the babies; when, where???