Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother-Son Banquet

Our church hosted a Mother-Son banquet on May 7, 2010, instead of the usual Mother-Daughter banquet.  I was beyond excited to have my boys with me this year to celebrate such a wonderful holiday.  It was a beach theme.  The meal (grilled hot dogs/hamburgers and all the fixings) was delish!!!!  Jimmy (Shimmy as Emi lovingly refers to him) sang to beautiful songs.  Door prizes were awarded for the youngest, oldest, and mother w/ the most.  Yep, I won the prize for the most kiddos!!  Mike was happy to find out I had a gift certificate to Hoody's Hoagies. :o) We had our picture made before we ate.  Hope you enjoy!  Love ya bunches!

1 comment:

mhsands said...

What a cute pic!