We are still passing around the sniffles and sneezes. I have it now, along w/ Jonathan. I couldn't outrun it this time. Mike has also been having problems with kidney stones. He was having some discomfort from them for a couple of days during the middle of the week. By mid-morning Friday, he was in PAIN!! We spent a couple hours in the e.r. It took 3 shots of pain meds to get it under control. He had a CT scan done. He has a 6mm stone in the tube between his kidney and bladder on the left side and a 2mm stone in his right kidney. He goes to the doctor tomorrow afternoon to see what they are going to do about it. He was "in labor" (as I like to refer to it) off and on all weekend. I can't wait until the delivery b/c I don't like seeing him in so much pain. Of course, you know I had to have a little fun with it. I told him next time, he needs to schedule his labor and delivery a couple months in advance like I do. :o) I also told him that I have pain meds free labors. Okay, okay... I know that is mean, but you know how he likes to pick on me especially during labor. He tells me each time that if I wouldn't cram 20 years of work into 20 minutes, my labors wouldn't hurt so bad. LOL Gotta love him!
Well, I'm off to do some laundry. Love ya bunches!
Well, I'm glad you like it! I wasn't too sure about the background. I just love Jacob in that picture -- could just eat him up! My little elf will have a V-day package coming this week. Not sure what day he will make it, so be on the lookout. Love to all!
Hey girl... I am sorry to hear that you all have had the crud. We have done a pretty good job of avoiding ppl that were sick.
Tell Mike I CAN SO RELATE!! I hope he is feeling better soon. That is the worst... ugghhhh!!!
Hope all is well soon!
Love your new sig and blog!
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