Monday, January 18, 2010

A visit with family

Last night, we invited Tracy, Lissa, and Matthew over for supper.  I was going to cook a meal, but then decided to just go get pizza so we could enjoy the visit.  I didn't want to be in the kitchen cooking and then cleaning up the entire time they were here.  We had a great time.  Of course, JJ was so happy to see Matthew.  Let's just say that the house was NOT quiet.... especially with the new foam swords Uncle Tracy brought for JJ and Luke.  Oh my goodness!  Uncle Tracy also brought Andrew a treat... a little remote control helicopter.  Now JJ can actually play with his helicopter that they gave him for Christmas.  Emily just loved the puppy huggable massager that Lissa brought them.  Oh my... it was the source of a LOT of laughs last night.  Of course, what is a visit from "MyLissa" without books!  She brought more books and Bekah made her read two of them.  Two of the books included cds, so they will be able to listen to them when I can't sit down to read.  YAY!
Today, I'm hoping to get the first coat of actual paint on the boys' bedroom walls.  Each time I have tried to get in there to get it done, something else has come up.  I really want their room finished this week.  Mike has the trim to put up after I'm done with my part.  I'm ready to get the bunkbeds out of the schoolroom floor and get my house back in order.  As soon as I finish the boys' room, then I have to paint the kids' bathroom.  After the bathroom, I have to finish painting the little girls' room.  After that room, I have to paint Laura's room.  Then, I will paint my bedroom.  Looks like my projects list is taller than I am.
Going to be productive.  Love ya bunches!

1 comment:

mhsands said...

We had a great time last night too. Those kids are just too funny! I still get tickled at E... lets hope she doesn't remember come Sunday. LOL!