Sunday, November 15, 2009

Short on energy and patience...

Everyone thinks that I have this endless supply of energy and patience, but I'm here to tell you that I am running low on both.  They are in short supply these days.  I know this will pass like everything else, but it seems endless at the moment.  Jonathan is sleeping well at night, for a newborn.  I am trying so hard to keep the stress level down right now, but some days I'm just not as successful at it.  The house isn't too bad... just the normal toys scattered about w/ 4 little ones and normal maintenance stuff.  I'm trying to get the little ones into the habit of picking up their toys before they go to bed.  Some nights it is successful... other nights not.  Andrew and Laura help out a lot with the things that I still don't feel like I can do yet... like bathtime.  I still can't bend or kneel at the tub to give 4 little ones a bath each night.  I am trying to keep the laundry caught up, but w/ our washer going out, it has been a slow go.  The bearrings in the transmission are going out, so it makes a HORRIBLE noise when it spins out.  We are just praying that it will hold out for the Christmas bonus, so we don't have to wipe out the emergency fund on a new washer.  The thing is 12 years old and has washed just a few loads of laundry during its life.  LOL  With the noise it makes, you can imagine how it can grate on the nerves. 
I'm trying to look on the positive side of things.  The major grocery shopping is done, even though I am paying for that trip now w/ pain.  Maybe I won't have to make too many little fill in trips to the grocery store until the next big trip in two weeks.  If so, Mike can do those.  I have 7 healthy blessings and an absolutely wonderful husband.  No matter how tired and cranky I get, they still love me.  I have incredible family and friends that I know would be here in a moment's notice if I called on them.  But most of all, I have the most loving and forgiving Heavenly Father that will give me the strength and patience I need to make it through this period in my life.  He has carried me through it before and will carry me through again.  All I have to do is ask and trust.
Right now, I am home alone w/ the 5 little ones.  Mike is working a 12 hour shift.  Andrew and Laura rode to church with Papa & Grandma this morning.  Mike called me about 9:45am to see how I was doing.  I have managed to fold a load of laundry and start another load washing.  The cats are fed... thank you Emi!  The little ones had their breakfast.  Now, it is time to start thinking of a quick lunch.  When Andrew & Laura get home, we have to work on the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  They are suppose to be collected tonight.  I really do wish I could make it to church tonight for the program, but after my trip to the grocery store yesterday I can't do it.  I'm doing good to get off the couch today.  See, no Super Mom here! 
Well, I'm off to put the load of towels in the dryer and make some lunch.  Love ya bunches! 


mhsands said...

Love you! I called yesterday to see if ya'll were home so I could come get some kisses; didn't get anyone... but, too tired to come today... LOL! I'll try to catch you next weekend.

Julie_3 said...

Hey Char... sorry your having a rough day! I will be praying for you about your washer, I know how tough that is!

We tried the timer clock to see who could pick up the most toys in the amount of time given.... worked wonders with my older two when they were lil. Try it, they think it is fun to race the clock and get their toys put away.

Hope your week goes way better than your tiring weekend!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

You are still a super mom to me hun! I admire you and all you do! No, you aren't perfect, but dang near close, lol! I wish I could help you out. Tell me what you need that I can provide! I would gladly help!!!!!!!!!!!!!